October 2013

Release 2.0 Now Available


Release 2.0 of the Avalon Media System is now available. One goal of this release is to enable successful pilot implementations at partner institutions.


The release includes the following features:


Partners Meeting Recap


On October 2 and 3, the Avalon Media System team invited our partner institutions to come to lovely Bloomington, Indiana, for a meeting to discuss development priorities and future directions. Many of our partners were able to make it, but we also wanted to share what was discussed with the wider community and partners who were unable to attend.


Get to Know the Avalon Team: Adam Hallett


In our series Get to Know the Avalon Team, we're providing a closer look at the individuals who are working each day to develop the Avalon Media System.

Join us tomorrow via Adobe Connect


As we mentioned in a recent post, we are having a meeting this week in Bloomington with most of the formal partners and advisors on the IMLS National Leadership Grant that is helping to support development of the Avalon Media System, to discuss development priorities and future directions.