Try Out Avalon
We've set up a demo server so that you can try out Avalon Media System today.
You can try out Avalon 7 using the instructions below, or download and install it on your own computer. You can access the Avalon Collections Guide on our wiki to learn more about managing items and collections within Avalon.
To View Publicly Available Content:
- Go to the demo server at
- Here you can:
- Search and browse for audio and video items
- Click "Browse" to reveal example content in the system and facets for narrowing results
- View items and descriptive metadata by clicking on a title
To Upload and Edit Your Own Content:
- Create an account, if you have not already done so.
- After creating your account, please contact the Avalon team by using the contact form on this website to request that your account be given rights for content upload and editing.
- As an authorized user, you'll be able to:
- Upload audio or video files (please keep it relatively small as we have limited disk space on this demo server)
- View the upload status
- Add/edit descriptive metadata
- Publish items to make them available
- Restrict access rights to public (no restriction), collection staff only, all logged-in users, or specified users or groups
- Delete a resource (please only delete items you have uploaded yourself)
If you have any questions or feedback, please contact us or send a message to the avalon-discuss-l mailing list.
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