Sprint 102
The Avalon team's demo for sprint 102 -- showing our new waffle.io board, walking through our current design for a playlist marker and demonstrating RuboCop in our development branch -- is now available: https://pawpaw.dlib.indiana.edu/media_objects/avalon:9641
To view all demos, here's our Avalon collection: https://pawpaw.dlib.indiana.edu/catalog?f%5Bcollection_ssim%5D%5B%5D=Avalon+Sprint+Demos&q=&search_field=all_fields
Note that in this demo we are also announcing 2 upcoming point releases:
5.0.1 – critical bug fixes
5.1.0 – improved 5.0 feature releases, specifically playlist features.
If you would like to check out our new waffle board:
Our waffle board, along with our #Avalon slack channel in Hydra AND our new RuboCop best practices are all measures to bring community insight and inspiration to the Avalon code and design.
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