
Sprint 31 - July 26 Demo Recording


As Release 2.0 is nearing, the Avalon team has been working to include a few new features as well as refining the player. Upgrading to Hydra head 6.0 fixed a number of bugs that kept on popping up. The developers continued to work on incorporating features into the collection/unit workflow and now collections can be deleted and units can be browsed. We were able to do some testing and bug fixing on the mediaelement.js player which looks good and behaves in a more predictable manner. Avalon is maturing before our very eyes!

Understanding Avalon Roles and Permissions


The second release of Avalon will have collections-based roles and permissions. This post describes what we've designed in hopes of getting your comments. Does this make sense? Is it easy to see how you would map these to your organization?

Units, Collections and Items


First, some definitions.


A unit is a grouping of collections. Usually, a unit will map to an administrative unit.



Sprint 30 - July 12 Demo Recording

Sprint 29 - June 29, 2013


This week, the Avalon team spent a lot of time thinking about how to create collections without calling them collections! The team was able to almost complete backend modeling and testing; user interface will be the focus for the next sprint. Work was also completed on the crosswalk from the MODS fields that will be included in Avalon to MARC.  


We have a few team members up in Canada for Open Repositories 2013, so if you have any questions or want a quick demo just look for Jon Dunn, Claire Stewart or Adam Hallett!

Sprint 28 - June 14 Demo Recording


After last week's venture into exploring administrative units, this week the team focused on how collections can be employed by Avalon.  Administrative units can now create and manage collections of items. This will be an easy way for collection managers to add content to a specific collection, and our metadata specialists spent a lot of time thinking of how those relationships would be captured in each MODS record. We are also happy to report that both IU and NU's pilot systems are up and running! 


How Avalon differs from YouTube or a DAMS

Sprint 27 - May 31 Demo Recording


This week the team worked on adding new functionality to Avalon. We introduced the concept of units to Avalon Media System. The term "unit" refers to an Administrative Unit, which can be made up of many collections and items. We also added some snazzy auto complete features to select unit managers. Besides units, more investigation of the mediaelement.js player occurred during this sprint. IU and NU spent some time getting their pilot systems set up. We're just about ready to see what Avalon 1.0 can really do! 


Sprint 26 - May 17 Demo Recording


After releasing Avalon 1.0, the team spent some time cleaning up our code and investigating some future changes to Avalon, including looking at alternative player options and other ways to handle group management. If you have any feedback about what functionality you want to see in future releases, please join us at next week's webinar!


Upcoming Avalon Webinar - May 29, 2013


We're looking forward to talking with the Avalon community about our recent 1.0 release--and we hope you'll join us! This will be an ideal time to familiarize yourself with 1.0, ask questions, and provide feedback to the team. We will record the webinar for later viewing by those unable to join us.


To receive connection information for the webinar, please fill out our registration form:

Collection Manager's Guide


Throughout the process of working toward release 1.0, developing effective documentation was just as important to the team as developing effective code. The Collection Manager's Guide describes features, functionality, and how to navigate the Avalon Media System.

