Sprint 71 Update

During sprint 71, we made a number of improvements, fixed several bugs, updated Wiki pages, and upgraded some production servers to Avalon 3.3. We made our first step towards structural metadata, implementing a means of navigating the media player by clicking on structure labels (could be tracks in an audio recording, or scenes in a play or opera, for example). We updated the Avalon demo server with the recent 3.3 release, and Avalon is now upgraded to Hydra 8, which was released on March 31st. The embed code and sharing links are now collapsed under a Share button. Other visual cues have been added to improve the user experience.


The specific stories we accomplished during these sprints were:


VOV-519 - I want to navigate an audio or video media item by clicking on the scene titles, which are hierarchically displayed

VOV-3401 - I want to right-click on a section label and send the resultant permalink-based URL to someone, and have it work

VOV-3406 - I want to know what is needed for the Transcoding API

VOV-3452 - I want to try out release 3.3 on the demo server

VOV-3454 - I want to see 3.3 on IU prod systems

VOV-3459 - I want to create and upgrade to Hydra 8

VOV-3505 - I want to have some simple examples to test/demo structural metadata navigation with

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