Sprint Demo

Sprint 57 – February 6, 2015

With this sprint, the Avalon team completed work on one of the main new features of Release 3.3: importing descriptive metadata from an online public access library catalog (OPAC) into Avalon. This may be accomplish via batch ingest by using a bibliographic record identification number. The metadata import functionality will be configurable to meet local cataloging practices and currently includes catalog key, Online Computer Library Catalog (OCLC), and Library of Congress Control Numbers (LCCN) identifier types as options.

Sprint 66 - January 23, 2015

Back from the holiday break, we began work on our next release, 3.3. We added the capability of importing descriptive metadata from an OPAC by specifying a catalog ID on the Resource Description page. We also added the capability of ingesting multiple quality levels of pre-transcoded derivatives via the batch ingest process. Previously, batch ingest could only add one quality level of pre-transcoded derivative. We also fixed two 3.2 release bugs we discovered. A patch for one is available and the second will shortly be available.

Sprint 64 – December 12, 2014

This was a four-week sprint due to the Thanksgiving holidays. In addition to fixing many bugs in preparation for the 3.2 release, we also added support for bulk change of access control settings. Beyond those activities, the majority of the work went into troubleshooting the 3.2 upgrade process.


The 3.2 release is imminently expected toward the beginning of our next sprint, which will also be four weeks in length. Look for a 3.2 announcement shortly!


Sprint 63 – November 14, 2014

During this sprint we added additional fields to our resource description form based on feedback from our users and we hope they are useful to you as well. These fields include:

  • Language
  • Original Physical Description
  • Related Item
  • Terms of Use


Sprint 62 – October 31, 2014

At the very beginning of the sprint, IU's general Avalon instance successfully moved to production. We have started enhancing the metadata by providing a repeatable field to hold other system identifiers such as bib numbers, and we provided a way to facet and display using creation date (if available) not just publication date. We fixed a problem with ID specification for LTI access.

Sprint 61 – October 17, 2014

This sprint was an uncharacteristic 4 weeks in length, due to the presence of much of the team at Hydra Connect 2 during the sprint. The main work completed is the ability for staff to select multiple items and then publish, unpublish or delete them, or to assign them to a different collection. In addition, we decided on and implemented new default transcoding profile for video. We cut the bitrates in half, which should help with performance on slow wireless networks while still preserving good quality for the high quality derivative.

Sprint 60 – September 19, 2014

The main goals of this sprint were to fix user interface issues and get our institutional production systems in place and ready for use. We completed the user interface issues that were a result of the recent upgrades to Hydra, Blacklight and Bootstrap. You may see a few differences in styling with version 3.2 because we made some decisions to stay closer to defaults than we had in previous releases. Our own institutions are ramping up production use of Avalon. Northwestern made a few quick changes to improve notifications and workflow issues for our staff.

Sprint 59 – September 5, 2014

Sprint 59 saw further progress towards implementing the Avalon Media System at Indiana University. During this sprint we focused infrastructure matters such as restart documentation and notifications for monitoring alerts. We also started a series of video playback tests with the goal of ensuring the best possible playback quality in low bandwidth scenarios. Testing for mobile and desktop environments will be completed using a variety of low, medium, and high bitrate options in addition to the current Avalon settings.


Sprints 57 & 58 – August 2014

After completing Avalon’s upgrades to Hydra 7.1 and the latest versions of Blacklight, Ruby on Rails, and Bootstrap, the developers have dedicated this month to functionality and styling. As a part of this work, over 2,000 lines of code were changed to make Avalon more robust for future Blacklight upgrades. Some of the new perks include better responsive design performance and the ability to delete facet selections directly from the facet menu.


Sprints 55 & 56 – July 2014

July was marked by several exciting achievements. After completing extensive testing of Avalon 3.1 during Sprint 55, the team released Avalon 3.1 to the community. Northwestern University successfully implemented the new release on their production server, and Indiana updated their pilot server as well. The following sprint had the highest velocity to date. For those interested in our statistics, the team earned a total of 96 story points! 

