Sprint 59 – September 5, 2014

Sprint 59 saw further progress towards implementing the Avalon Media System at Indiana University. During this sprint we focused infrastructure matters such as restart documentation and notifications for monitoring alerts. We also started a series of video playback tests with the goal of ensuring the best possible playback quality in low bandwidth scenarios. Testing for mobile and desktop environments will be completed using a variety of low, medium, and high bitrate options in addition to the current Avalon settings.


Bulk selection has been developed and the feature even allows users to see the number of items selected. We made use of Blacklight’s Bookmark feature and have contributed our changes back to Blacklight.


We inventoried operating systems, browser versions, available team members, and other factors relevant to testing in an effort to be even more systematic in our testing procedures. Testing on the Hydra 7.1 upgrades have now been completed. We will be investigating the few issues we encountered regarding connecting to the drop box and viewing the embedded media player in different contexts to determine whether they are full-fledged bugs.


A formal review of all of the changes to the Avalon interface after the upgrades to Hydra 7.1 and other dependencies has been completed. This review will guide the developers’ styling work in the next sprint.


Learn the details of each story and view our Sprint Demonstration recording below:


Sprint 59 – September 5, 2014 Demo Recording

  • VOV-2951 [IU prod] I want to be confident that I am using a production-quality system
  • VOV-3004  I want to watch Avalon videos on a connection with a less than ideal bandwidth
  • VOV-2818  (Completed) I want a way to bulk select a number of Avalon items for some later action         
  • VOV-2956  (Completed) I want to be confident that Avalon works as expected after the hydra 7 upgrade                   
  • VOV-3007  I want Avalon to be visually pleasing again

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